A Firm With A High Success Rate In DUI Defense
If you have been charged with drunk driving or driving under the influence of drugs, you may feel like the odds are against you. But with our knowledge of the law, experience and special training on your side, you’ll have an attorney with a high rate of success in dismissal or reduced charges.
Our firm has specific education in standard field sobriety testing. A former training director with the Georgia State Patrol taught the course, offering key information about the machines officers use to test the intoxication level of your breath. We use that in-depth knowledge to explore every possible option to help your driving while intoxicated case.
Whether drugs or alcohol are involved in your charges, we can help. We stay up-to-date on the latest information and seminars on techniques authorities use to test your level of intoxication if you have been pulled over. To learn more about Georgia’s DUI penalties or how a breath test result might be challenged, we invite you to read this website, or schedule a free consultation to discuss your case.
Get Inside Experience And Knowledge For Your DUI Defense
Our lawyer is skilled in the courtroom, always ready to fight aggressively for you. With our firm, you don’t have to worry whether your lawyer is on top of your case. We always will be working toward for the best possible outcome. Don’t try to fight these legal battles on your own.
If you call our firm, we can offer a free consultation to help you determine the legal options for your case and whether you have a good chance of getting the charges dismissed or reduced. Contact us online or call our firm in Valdosta at 229-469-9578.