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Underage drunk driving in Georgia

On Behalf of | Nov 2, 2022 | Drunk Driving |

It is vital to familiarize yourself with underage drunk driving laws if you are the parent of a teen driver or a driver under the age of 21. Drunk driving charges can have an especially disruptive impact on a young person’s life, and if you face these allegations, the case could come back to haunt you in the future.

In addition, it is pivotal to recognize that the legal limit for drivers under the age of 21 is much lower in comparison to the legal limit for drivers who have reached the legal drinking age.

Reviewing Georgia’s legal limit for drivers under 21

According to Fayette County Administration, the state of Georgia has a zero-tolerance policy with respect to drunk driving and drivers under the age of 21. Drivers under 21 who have a BAC level of .02 or higher cannot legally operate a vehicle, and you could face harsh consequences if a law enforcement official stops you and you have a very small amount of alcohol in your system.

In Georgia, everyone convicted of DUI (including underage drunk driving) must spend time behind bars. In addition, you could face other penalties, such as license suspension and the mandatory completion of an alcohol abuse program.

Dealing with drunk driving charges as a minor

Sometimes, young drivers face false allegations of driving drunk or find themselves in this position unexpectedly, especially with such a low legal limit. Gathering evidence, carefully preparing for court and taking steps to safeguard your future is paramount. Make sure you go over the details of your drunk driving case closely.