Game day is almost here! If you’re in charge of the super bowl party this year, doing these five things can help make sure your guests have a great time — without getting a DUI on the way home.
1. Collect keys
Guests may be reluctant to offer up their keys, but this practice can prevent all types of accidents. As cars pile up to park, it can be easy for a driver to accidentally back up into another car.
Collecting everyone’s keys will ensure that everyone knows when someone is leaving.
2. Make appetizers fun!
It’s common for DUI parties to have alcohol, but if your company eats and drinks water too, they’re less likely to get too drunk and feel sick. Instead of serving your average veggie tray, try to entice your guests by creating fun appetizers.
You can decorate appetizers to represent one team or the other. This will encourage party-goers to show their support for the team they want to win. You can do the same with water by labeling bottled waters with the opposing teams. In addition to being fun and tasty, this will lower the chances of sending your guests off into the streets in a dangerous condition.
3. Supply phone chargers
During the super bowl, your friends will likely take pictures, share their opinions of the game on social media and text those watching the game elsewhere.
By supplying phone chargers for Android and iPhone users, you can ensure that your guests will be able to arrange rides home by using a ride-sharing service, like Uber, or calling a friend.
4. Get breathalyzers
Handheld breathalyzers can now be purchased on the market easily. While prices and quality range, having these available for guests to use before leaving can help them get an idea of whether it’s safe for them to drive home.
5. Prepare sober-up games
If your guests aren’t quite sober enough to head out, prepare games to play. This will entertain your guests while also keeping them from feeling like a burden for staying.
The Party Packs has a series of easy-to-learn games that can be downloaded quickly and easily using Amazon Fire TV Stick, any gaming console (including Nintendo Switch) or a PC. Otherwise, you can also purchase physical party games to play. If you’d like, add a rule that whoever loses must drink water to help sober up.
Seek help after a DUI
If you or anyone you know is already facing a DUI, it’s important to seek help as soon as possible. A skilled criminal defense attorney can help defendants seek the best outcome possible from their case by using tried-and-true defense strategies.