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Common probation violations and how to avoid them

On Behalf of | Oct 30, 2024 | Criminal Defense |

Probation gives you a chance to avoid jail while serving your sentence. However, breaking probation rules can result in severe penalties. You can prevent problems by learning about and avoiding common probation violations.

Common probation violations

The following are the most common violations you can encounter during probation:

  • Missed probation meetings: Regularly check in with your probation officer. Missing a meeting can result in an immediate violation.
  • Failed drug or alcohol test: Part of the condition for your probation is a clean drug and alcohol record. Failing these can result in a probation violation.
  • New arrest record: An arrest while on probation automatically violates and cancels your probation.
  • Travel restriction violation: Probation usually includes travel restrictions. Leaving the state or country without permission can result in a violation.
  • Failure to complete community service: Your probation includes court-ordered community service, which you need to complete. Failing to complete it can result in a violation.

Violating any of these can result in the immediate cancellation of your probation. Follow all the rules of your probation to avoid violating your probation.

How to avoid probation violations

Here are a few things you can do to avoid violating your probation:

  • Stay organized: Keep a calendar and set reminders so you do not miss any probation meetings. Update your probation officer often and make sure they always know where you are and how to reach you.
  • Stick to your treatment plan: If you are getting help for drug or alcohol issues, ask someone you trust to help commit to your rehab. Avoid places that might tempt you to slip up.
  • Make a fresh start: Stop seeing people who are bad for you and stay away from places and people linked to crime.
  • Ask before you travel: Check where you can go here. If you cannot go somewhere but need to, ask the court and tell your probation officer.
  • Follow all court orders: If the court tells you to do community service, do it well. If you need to take drug or alcohol tests each week, do it. Nothing is too much when your freedom is on the line.

If you are already in violation of your probation and need help, consider contacting a lawyer to help defend you against your probation violation.